More Than A Single Mom EP 14: Divorced Dad Dating


Ohhh momma this one is for everyone. And it’s a pretty big deal because this is the first male I have interviewed on this podcast.

So why bring a dude in our lady space? Perspective.

Joe Romano has been a close friend of mine for several years. He’s a good dude. And like any of us… not perfect. When I met him he was in a dark place post-divorce and I was on the verge of leaving my husband. And since we’ve seen each other go through a lot and supported each other - I wanted him to share his story.

P.S. This interview wasn’t pre-planned at all. Joe and I decided to have this conversation very last minute.

We discuss so much but here’s a breakdown:

  • Joe’s divorce story.

  • His darkest times.

  • His attachment style and why learning it has helped him to heal.

  • Why he stayed in a toxic relationship for so long.

  • Kiddos come first.

  • Parenting as a single parent.

  • Introducing kids to your new partner.

  • How he’s found a great partner and the challenges they’ve overcome.

  • His favorite relationship books.

  • How you should go with your gut when it comes to relationships.

  • Why we stay in stuck in the same relationship patterns.

  • How it feels to be with a partner with a secure attachment style.

Wanna hear more from Joe? He’s got an inspiring Instagram feed with positive messages, recipes, and health advice:

Books talked about:


5 Love languages

Getting the love you want

Now I want to hear from you. Duh! 

Tell me about your online dating experiences or why you haven’t tried it yet. 

Join the conversation on Facebook. 

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Oh hey and if you like what you hear purty please write a little review and rate on Apple podcasts. If you do, I'd love to feature it on my podcast and for you to be my newest friend. 




Drea Fecht