More Than A Single Mom EP 15: Leaving a toxic relationship and creating a life you love


Divorce is hard. Leaving toxic relationships is hard. Rebuilding your life is hard. So how do you do it? Truth is when you take the time to really know and love who you are. You’ll find the strength to accomplish anything and live an amazing life.

That’s why I brought Ashley Lane Adams on the podcast today. 

Ashley Lane is a coach who helps single moms drop the struggle and fall in love with themselves… which I know from experience is easier said than done. 

After traversing two back-to-back emotionally unhealthy relationships and finding herself divorced with two small children at age 40, Ashley Lane Adams took a deep dive into personal and spiritual development. Compiling all the tools that she learned on her journey through counseling, coaching, masterminds, emotional intelligence training, and learning coaching skills, Ashley empowers divorced women and single moms to let go of guilt, shame, and regret and step into their power, passion, and a life that they love! 

In today’s episode we discuss:

  • Ashley Lane’s personal story

  • How she left a toxic relationship

  • How becoming more self-aware leads to happiness and healing

  • What she did to heal.

  • What she did to help find herself

  • How she handles co-parenting with grace

  • Why learning to forgive yourself is vital 

  • Taking responsibility for your life and happiness 

  • Her approach to dating

Follow Ashley LANE on:

Now I want to hear from you. Duh! 

Tell me about your online dating experiences or why you haven’t tried it yet. 

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Oh hey and if you like what you hear purty please write a little review and rate on Apple podcasts. If you do, I'd love to feature it on my podcast and for you to be my newest friend. 




Drea Fecht